FAAS – Friends of Arlington Animal Services

Home Find a Participating Rescue Partner FAAS – Friends of Arlington Animal Services

Contact Info

P.O. Box 14531

Arlington, Texas 76094

Phone: (817) 333-9445

URL: http://www.facebook.com/FAAStx


FAAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed to assist the shelter in developing ideas and programs to help decrease the euthanasia rate and increase the adoption rate of Arlington’s homeless animals. Educating the public and making them aware of the shelters’ needs also play an important role in our mission. FAAS also hold fundraisers to raise money for the sick and injured Arlington animals and for our TNR program we developed and participate in for the city of Arlington.

FAAS is focused on increasing the Arlington Animal Services (AAS) city shelter “live release rate” – the total number of animals that leave the shelter alive, either through adoption or transfer to one of the animal rescue groups and humane organizations that routinely take those animals from AAS that were not adopted or death-row dogs and cats into their own adoption programs.(817) 333-9445

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