Fresno Bully Rescue

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Contact Info

8547 West Herndon Avenue

Fresno, California 93723

Phone: (559) 276-7611



FBR’s job is to provide a healthy and loving temporary home while we look for forever homes for our bullies. In addition, FBR is committed to promoting responsible ownership of bully breeds, fighting against breed discrimination, spaying and neutering pets, reporting dog fighting, and demonstrating to the community that bully breeds are loyal, loving, and wonderful forever companions.

Because of foreclosures in California, an overwhelming amount of dogs are being surrendered to shelters. Bully breeds are the first to be euthanized if no one adopts or rescues them. Since over 1 million “pit bulls” are euthanized in the United States yearly (statistics provided by Best Friends Society, Kanaab, Utah), the service provided by FBR is critical for the Central Valley which has one of the highest rates of euthanization in the whole of California. (statistics provided by CCSPCA).

Since its founding in May 1, 2008, FBR has rescued over 500 dogs. At our shelter, we house over 40 resident dogs at all times. Some rescued from the community, from abusive homes, and county shelters where they were designated to be euthanized.(559) 276-7611

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