PAWS of Austin

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Contact Info

7202 South Brook Drive

Austin, Texas 78736




PAWS of Austin (Protection for Animal Welfare Services) is a non-profit animal rescue organization established in Austin, Texas for the purpose of providing refuge to stray and unwanted companion animals. PAWS breed expertise is Great Danes.

Mission Statement
PAWS’ mission is to prevent cruelty to all animals by promoting humane standards through education and example, to provide care and shelter for homeless animals, aid in the reduction of domestic animal overpopulation, and aid in the enforcement of laws, including the investigation of animal cruelty and abuse. Our main goal is to provide the best possible care for the animals while in our custody and finding them new permanent, loving homes. Our attempts to place homeless animals into good homes help not only the animal but also provide a new owner with a loving companion and possibly a memorable life

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