Foreclosed Upon Pets Inc. (FUPI)

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Contact Info

620 North 20th Street

Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Phone: (702) 272-0010



Foreclosed Upon Pets, Inc. (FUPI) is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to the rescue of domesticated animals that have been abused and/or abandoned by their owners as a result of economic hardship, including home foreclosure, loss of employment, insufficient income, or death and illness. FUPI will work to further the cause of animal control through the education of the general public about the humane benefits of spay and neuter programs. FUPI will take on a leadership role in developing strategies and creating coalitions with other animal rescue organizations in order to better serve the residential and commercial sectors of the community in the fight against animal cruelty.(702) 272-0010

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