1657 14th St
Oakland, California 94607
Phone: contact@sniffingsnouts.com
URL: http://www.sniffingsnouts.com/
We are a 501(c)(3), pit bull rescue, based out of Central Florida and the Bay area of California.
We have a great network of fosters and volunteers, who have a passion for saving lives!
Our purpose is to rescue Pit Bulls, while educating the public about animal overpopulation.
Our goal is to be part of a solution for ending overpopulation in our shelters, while continuing to maintain a positive name for Pit Bull type dogs!
Pit Bulls are the most over-bred breed of dog in the country, in turn; they are the most common shelter dog and have the highest euthanasia rate.
We are working hard to change those numbers, along with the stigma attached to these amazing animals! With education and love, we plan to change the minds of the public and the lives of Pit Bulls everywhere!contact@sniffingsnouts.com
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