109 Guthrie
DeSoto, Iowa 50069
Phone: 515-207-3233
URL: http://www.aheinz57.com
AHeinz57 Pet Rescue & Transport, Inc. is a 501(c)3, non-profit, foster-based animal rescue organization, headquartered in De Soto, IA. We are a unique rescue organization in that we exist mainly to bridge the gap between traditional animal shelters and no-kill rescues in 2 different ways: 1) By providing free transportation for dogs from traditional shelters to no-kill rescues all over the Midwest and Canada. We also provide overnight rest stops for our furry travelers and temporary housing for those whose time has run out at the shelters, but have to wait for a foster spot to open up in one of the rescues; 2) By pulling dogs out of traditional shelters that are on death row and placing them in foster homes and forever homes thru our organization.515-207-3233
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