Hope’s Rescue

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Contact Info

1162 E 1390 S

Ogden, Utah 84404

Phone: 801-690-6317

URL: http://www.hopesrescue.org


Hope’s Rescue is dedicated to Hope, the little Chihuahua that was thrown into a firepit and later died from her injuries. Hope’s legacy will live on.

Mission: To rescue abandoned, abused and injured animals from shelters or owner relinquished and have them vaccinated, spayed or neutered; and find them loving adoptive homes.

We are a passionate group of volunteers who are dedicated in helping as many shelter and relinquished animals find forever homes as possible. Each one of our volunteers comes to our rescue with a wealth of knowledge and deep understanding of the problems that exist with the overflowing amount of animals in shelters that have no chance of making it out. We can not save ALL of them but we will save as many as humanly possible. All of our animals will be in foster homes so that gives us the opportunity to see their behavior, training, special needs and anything else that needs to addressed before adopting out.801-690-6317

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