Great Pyrenees Rescue Society

Home Find a Participating Rescue Partner Great Pyrenees Rescue Society

Contact Info

3631 Mirror Court

Spring, Texas 77388




We are an all volunteer, not-for-profit, rescue group dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitaion and rehoming of Great Pyrenees dogs whose lives are in danger. Absolutely 100% of all our donations go to the dogs we care for.

Most of our dogs come to us from kill shelters around the Greater Houston area. We place them in foster homes while they are evaluated and rehabilitated untill we find a permant home for them.

There are so many more wonderful, majestic, and deserving Great Pyrenees needing help in Texas than we have places for. The only way we can save these precious dogs is with your help. We always need temporary foster homes, donations, volunteers’ help and of course if you can give a dog a permanent home, you’ll complete our dream. Thank you to all for your help and support in saving this true Gentle Giant

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