6717 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
Phone: 865-573-9675
URL: http://humanesocietytennessee.com
The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley was founded in 1885 as the Knox County Humane Society and was the first animal shelter in the state of Tennessee, serving the Knox County area. In 1996, the shelter changed its name to Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley to represent the organization’s large service area. In 2001, HSTV changed its mission statement, declaring itself a no-kill facility. No-kill is defined as euthanasia not being used to reduce the capacity of the shelter if it is at maximum capacity. Euthanasia is only administered if an animal is suffering and dying.
The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley values and protects all animals by striving to end pet over-population, by sheltering the homeless, by shielding the beaten and abused, and by educating and advocating so that the suffering might end.865-573-9675
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