Galveston Island Humane Society

Home Find a Participating Rescue Partner Galveston Island Humane Society

Contact Info

6814 Broadway

Galveston, Texas 77554

Phone: 409-740-1919



The Galveston Island Humane Society, Inc. is dedicated to promoting animal welfare and the protection and prevention of unwanted or homeless animals.
GIHS is an “open admission” shelter for Galveston Island. That means we accept all homeless pets, even when the shelter is full. Our open admission status in a community with a disproportionately high number of homeless or unwanted pets leads to needless euthanasia of pets in our shelter. Even with that, we work hard to assure that adoptable pets are not held under a time limit. In a new policy, appointments are now required for owner surrenders as the shelter is consistently at capacity and owners are encouraged to attempt to re-home their pets on their own if possible.409-740-1919

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