Heartland Humane Society

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Contact Info

398 SW Twin Oaks Circle

Corvallis, Oregon 97333

Phone: 541-757-9000

URL: http://heartlandhumane.org


In 1966, Heartland Humane Society was founded by a group of concerned Benton County citizens with a mission to build a more compassionate community by teaching humane messages to our youth, caring for homeless animals, and strengthening the human-animal bond.

Heartland’s Vision Statement:
To carry out our humane commitment to the animals of Benton County by operating an open-door shelter and caring for homeless animals; providing education and enrichment programs to promote healthy human-animal bonds; offering access to low-cost services to those in need, with an emphasis on population control; developing progressive outreach programs; setting a high standard of animal care and husbandry; supporting opportunities for clinical education; and enhancing our funding resources to continue expanding these efforts.541-757-9000

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